
25th Apr, 2015 Efreet Landing Craft

Tempest Citadel is the story of a city risen over the clouds on an ancient world of discovery and danger. As the captain of this sky fortress you have full strategic control over a huge range of research and engineering projects, and the missions to the surface that yield new treasures to scavenge and threats to battle.
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9th Mar, 2015 Volgar Barbarian and Combat Dragon

Volgar Barbarian and Combat Dragon from my in development PC game: Tempest CitadelIt is a sci-fi strategy game with cloud cities, bunkers, scavenging, ancient secrets and AI driven squad battles on the ground and above the clouds. A little backstory…

15th Feb, 2011 Vector Logo - Inkscape

I've been having loads of fun with Inkscape this week. It is an open source vector art program. Up till now I've used Fractal Design Painter 5.0 (from 1999!) for all my 2D bezier shapes - but now I find Inkscape, effectively several hundred pounds of software, for free.In somes ways it is like a grown-up version of the Flash editor and you can export SVG to use in FlashDevelop.
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5th Dec, 2010 RPG Prototype

Cannibal stalks the swamp
 This is a first look at the Experimental Rendering Engine I’m writing for an unannounced game. It is essentially a hybrid between an infinite polygon engine, and a photon shooter, bundled up ready for an OpenGL renderer. It’s no Unreal – but it does have the beginnings of a new look that suits the feel of the gameworld. The only downside is the time it takes to build and render the models – an order of 1000x longer compared to 8-bit retro games.
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